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用英文翻译武侠小说,真有趣!(2 / 4)

习班,还不算正规,现在是尝试阶段。  可中国的伦理还是要重视的,学英文的同时,中国的礼数也不可以偏废。  所以小孩随便带,家长要收费的。  学了之后,最起码哪天小家伙用英文骂你,你不至于只用扬州话骂回去,也可以用英文开腔的。让孩子知道老子是怎么当的!  然后我把开武侠英语角的想法发在论坛里,没多久网友捣尽玄霜来回应,她可以翻译《大唐游侠传》,还翻了一段出来呢!  真是叹为观止,一级棒!  中英文对照如下:  编辑  第一回杯酒论交甘淡泊玉钗为聘结良缘  Chapter 1:A pot of wine witness the friendship of two noble bro,and the jade hairpin coinces rraie of the two faly  “Happy New Year!““Wish you a prosperous New Year“  “恭喜恭喜,新年大吉!”  It was the Chinese New Year Durin the Tianpao Periods of Tan Dynasy.  这一天正是大唐天宝七年的新年初一。  In a villae sixty les away frothe capital city Chanan,lived a faly of Shi,the house-holder of the fay is Yiru Shi.He had a ood rank the in the ierial coetitive exanation in the 22th year of Kaiyuan Periods.The na has no wild aition for fa and power,he quited his job in the overnnt and went back to live in his hotown.The neihbours adre his knowledee and ca to his house to conratulates hia happy new year every year.  离长安六十里外的一个山村,有一家人家,主人姓史,名逸如,曾在开元二十二年中过进士,却不愿在朝为官,未到中年,便回乡隐居,乡人敬他是个饱学君子,一早便来给他拜年。  Mr.Shi thanked all his uests and wished theback.However,after everybody leaved,a sense of sadness welled up in his heart.He tooked a deap breath and spoke to hielf“what is the luckiness for us to leave in such ae.“  他循俗与乡人互相贺喜一番,送客之后,却摇了摇头喟然微叹:“如此世道,何喜之有?”  “Wa~~wu~~,WA~~,wu~~“the tears of a new baby ca out frothe bedroowhich joins the bonds of firecracker out side finally brins a sle in Yiru Shi''''s face“Any way,there is sothin to happy to about in these days.Mendie ave birth to this irl,we can have so joy now“”  “呜哇,呜哇!”房内传出小儿啼声,与噼噼啪啪的“爆竿”声闹成一片,史逸如脸上掠过一丝笑意,想道:“要说有喜,那就是从今天起,多添了一个婴孩,家中可以热闹一些了。   Mr Shi went out of house and says to his bookboy“Pick four fruit boxes frothe presents,brin theMr Duan''''s house and invite hiover for a cup of wine “After ivin his strucions,a little doubt ca to his nd,“My brother Duan is always the first uy to ca and conratualte ,why he so late this year?“  他吩咐阶前烧爆竿的书童:“你收了供品,给我拿四盒果品,到段大爷家去,并请他过来喝两杯。”心中颇为有点疑惑:“每年元旦,最早来拜年的必定是他,今年却何以这样迟迟未来?”  The boy said “ye

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